Why shoot in RAW?

As a photographer, we all know we should shoot in RAW, but do you know why? I know I didn’t when I first began shooting. I just did it, because someone said I should. Let's look at why.

Capturing images in RAW format offers an array of benefits that can enhance your overall photography game. From increased flexibility in post-processing to better image quality, there are countless reasons why shooting in RAW format is an essential step for any photographer looking to take their work to the next level. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of shooting in RAW format and how it can transform your photographic output.

First off, shooting in RAW format allows you to retain all the information and detail captured by your camera's sensor, as opposed to the compression and loss of information that happens with JPEG files. This means that you have more information to work with when editing your images, allowing for improved control over exposure, highlights and shadows, and more accurate color representation.

RAW files also offer greater flexibility when it comes to post-processing. They contain more data and detail, so you can manipulate your images to a much greater degree without degrading image quality. For example, if you need to adjust exposure or white balance, you can do so without sacrificing image quality or introducing unwanted noise.

RAW also allows for non-destructive editing, meaning that any changes you make to your files won't affect the original image. This gives you the freedom to experiment with different editing techniques and styles without worrying about damaging the original image.

Editing RAW files also gives more flexibility because your changes won’t affect the original image. Meaning, you can go back to the beginning or re-edit older images to match your current photography style.

Another key benefit to RAW files is the ability to recover data that may have been lost shooting in JPEG. Overexposed images may be able to be fixed to the desirable edit because RAW files keep the details.

The main “drawback” to shooting in RAW format is the amount of storage space required and the length of time the files take to process. These drawbacks are easily outweighed by the control you gain over the final images. I usually shoot using a 64GB SD card or a 128GB SD card, which might be a little bit overkill for my shoots. And to keep my memory cards safe when I am not shooting, I use this 8-slot memory card case.

Hope this helps!